Friday, October 25, 2013

The Anatomy Scan

The anatomy scan. AKA the best, and longest ultra sound you will get your entire pregnancy. My appointment wasn't till later on in the day, that way Steven could still make it to the appointment.

I seriously could not sleep the night before. I'm pretty sure every parent worries that everything will be alright with their baby. I think I was more nervous for this ultrasound than the gender. We made it to the appointment, and they were a little bit behind so we waited about an hour to be seen. I think I was shaking a little, because Steven kept on looking over at me and asking if I was okay. In the mean time they gave me this drink..

I've heard great things about it. Good thing I don't have to drink it for four more weeks. I'll let you know how it goes...

We went back into the ultrasound room, and we began the scan. The first part was about ten minutes long. The doctor went through just to show our baby to us. Which was so fun to see. Baby was asleep the first half of the scan, but the doctor finally got him to wake up, and he was going crazy! He kept on wiggling and arching his back, so we didn't get a very good profile of him. The doctor made us a dvd of the first ten minutes. I love that we can watch our baby whenever we want!

The second half went through every single detail of our little man. He first started out with the heart to make sure there were four chambers, then on to the brain. It was so cool to hear the doctor talk about every little detail of the brain. If this bone isn't fused it means this, and if there is fluid in the brain it means this. We found out that our baby, from what the doctor could tell from the scan has zero birth defects! I was so happy to hear that! He then checked to make sure baby had two hands, ten fingers, two legs, ten toes.. everything was there!

The last half the doctor measured our little guy to make sure he was growing on time. More good news! He is measuring EXACTLY 21 weeks. He measured my stomach next to see if that was still growing on time, and again I was measuring exactly 21 weeks. Steven was in a bit of shock when he heard my stomach was growing on time. He still thinks I'm too small for 5 months pregnant, but I am okay with that.

Here is baby Suprise's hand. Just sayin hi to everyone

Man I'm getting big. WOOF

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