Friday, January 24, 2014

35 Weeks

My Laptop is broken. BOOooooooooooo!!! :( it has been for a few weeks if you cant tell.

Personally, I think pictures make a blog more exciting. So use the imagination just this one time while I mourn the loss of my laptop.

35 week update!!

I last left off at 31 weeks. Time is flying!! A few days after I posted I got a phone call from my obgyn. I was told I needed to come in for bi-weekly non stress tests. For those who don't know what this is, they hook me up to monitors and watch the babies heart rate, and also if I am having any contractions.  This whole thing about getting these twice a week was news to me. I thought for sure I wasn't high risk any more.

I had a doctors appointment at 32 weeks and started my first non stress test. I was also informed that I have to pee in a jug once a week and also get my blood drawn.I also get to see the doctor once a week. How fun right?

Everything so far has been going well with all the tests I get to do. My baby likes to sleep when I do my NST's so I have to drink coke, or eat peanut butter crackers, or lay on my side, and he gets a little buzz to the head as well.

I had an appointment this past week. I was told the little man was measuring at 32 weeks.... I don't know all the details but I get measured again on Tuesday. If he hasn't grown, they will send me to a specialist to get an ultrasound on the deets of this kid. Keeping a prayer in my heart for this little boy. And  hoping for a good outcome.

How far along? 35 weeks today!

Total weight gain? 17 pounds. woof

Maternity clothes? I wear about half and half.

Stretch marks? NONE!! Hoping this will be the case in a few more weeks

Sleep? I usually go to bed around 11pm, wake up at 7am. Then sleep again from 8-12pm. its been nice

Best moment this week? Passing the first 20mins of my nst. usually they have to keep me on the monitors 40 min to an hour because the little man doesn't want to wake up

food cravings? I haven't had any for awhile. I get really thirsty in the mornings though. So water has been tasting so good!

Anything making you sick or queasy? nothing lately. So glad morning sickness is a thing of the past

Labor signs? Yes!! Hello braxton hicks

Belly button in or out? If you know me this has been my biggest issue. I HATE my belly button right now. It's an outtie that wont go back in. My belly button looks like a volcano. It's so ugly.

Wedding ring on or off? Still on

Happy or Moody? I would say moody. I'm so ready to be done working

Looking forward to? My baby shower tomorrow!! I can't wait

 I almost forgot!! Induction date set for February 16th!!! They are talking about taking him at 37 weeks but so far so good!!