Sunday, April 13, 2014

Landon 2 months

Happy Two Months to My little chunk!
Stats: 10lbs 12oz(25%)
23inches (50%)

This month has been fun with our little Landon. He is starting to recognize faces, and loves to stare at you and watch your facial expressions. 
He has starting smiling :)
We are working on the cooing. He is starting to coo but just a little bit. It's the cutest thing in the world!!
He found his tongue! Loves to stick it out all day long
Just this past week Landon has been on some what of a schedule. He still eats every 2 hours but at 9 or 10pm he will eat and fall asleep until 4am!! Then from 4am-7am. This is a schedule I can get used to!
He is wearing 3 month size clothes, and size 1 diapers.
Landon traveled the furthest he has away from home, to Salt Lake. Steven had a mission reunion where he was held by people other than his family.
We went to a children's museum for my dad's work and can't wait to take him there when he is older.
He got shots. Worst. Day. Ever. Cranky screaming baby all night.
I went back to work. Landon got to spend 12 whole hours with Steve. Good for my husband. Sad day for me. 
He is growing and changing so fast. Here are some fun things this past month