Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Holidays! weeks 30 and 31

Seriously I have no idea where the time has gone. I guess I should count myself lucky. Most people will tell you that their pregnancy has taken forever.. not me. I think it has a little bit to do with the fact that I am scared to death to deliver a baby. You think I would be used to it by now. I have seen over 100 births and assisted in plenty of c-sections, but the bad thing is that I know everything that can go wrong. I know all the nurses terms. I have a huge fear of needles. The list goes on...

So here is the update.

A week before this was taken, I had another doctors appointment, and it went a little something like this.

They weighed me. In total this pregnancy I have gained a total of 10 pounds. ((you go baby Suprise))
They checked on baby's heart beat. His little heart was beating 130 beats a minute. This was good news to hear but the doctor seemed concerned. He didn't say anything but you could tell by the look on his face. He moved the little wand on my stomach a second time and seemed satisfied. Hopefully this isn't a sign of something bad to happen.
They told me how I did on my glucose test. I scored a 121. They tell me I passed, but to be honest that is totally on the high side. The cut off is 140. No wonder I thought the drink tasted so good!!
They checked my blood pressure. I usually run on the higher side. 135/93. With the bottom number being so high they checked it again. 143/90. It had gone up. The nurse just looked at me and said, "It's already starting." I knew exactly what she meant. With an increase in my blood pressure could mean there was protein in my urine. Which is also a sign that I could be developing pre-eclampsia.
Things didn't get better. I had been having cramping all week. The doctor decided it was best he checked my cervix. OUCH! It was a little painful. I have not started to dilate, which I guess is a good sign.
Before leaving the office they took my blood pressure one last time. 127/90. The nurse turned the machine taking my blood pressure toward the doctor. He gave me the okay to go home. But I could tell the nurse didn't like his decision. She whispered to me "Do you think you could pee in a cup for me?" I shook my head. After just getting checked I didn't think it was even possible.
I now get to see the doctor every 2 weeks. Although my normal doctor wont be in town on new years eve so I get to wait until January 7th. I think this next appointment will have a lot more of telling what will happen for me in the next few weeks. Until then I guess there is no need to worry right?

 We had a great Christmas. Steven definitely got spoiled. Two new hats, some new basketball shorts, three new pairs of jeans, the shirt he is wearing in the photo, new socks, a toy airplane, and a ps3 game thing that he is holding in the picture.

I can't complain either. I got apple tv, two new pairs of sweats, some make up from sephora, a make up bag, Elizabeth Smarts new book, some baby bottles, three new outfits for our baby, a gift card for after I deliver, a gift card to costco, some ray bans, and the list goes on. 
I had to work Christmas eve, which kind of ruined Christmas. Although I do have the sweetest husband in the world. He and my two sister-in-laws came to the hospital and brought me my Christmas PJ's. Steven told me I couldn't come home unless I was wearing them. After my 12 hour shift was over I opened up my car to find my stocking sitting on the passenger seat. It was so sweet, and made Christmas a little better. I slept most of the morning and missed my brother-in-law calling home from his mission, which I felt horrible for. We then spent the rest of the day at my parents house. 

Which brings me to today. December 29

How far along? 31.2

Total weight gain? 10 pounds.. probably more by now. with the holidays I would guess I put on another 5 pounds

Maternity clothes? YES. I gave in. I bought maternity jeans. I couldn't take it any longer. And now I wish I had bought them sooner. They are WAY better than trying to do up my button every morning. 

Stretch marks? zero. lets keep it that way. Only 9 more weeks or less. I believe in miracles. 

Sleep? Practically non existent. I wake up every two hours every night with out fail. 

Best moment this week? Just this morning, I was laying on my side with my hand on my stomach because I kept feeling the little one kick me. It felt like his heel. I had Steve put his hand on my stomach. His face lit up, I've never seen him so happy. He was like WHOA!! It feels like he is trying to break out of there. 

Food cravings? Not this week.

Anything making you sick or queasy? Not getting enough sleep has been making me so sick to my stomach

Labor signs? Cramping. I have also been getting back pain but just on the left side

Belly button in or out? I have a full on outtie. I tried to poke it back in... it didn't work in case anyone was wondering

Wedding ring on or off? Still on. Although my fingers feel like they are starting to swell up a bit

Happy or Moody most of the time? I think the answer to this would be emotional. I have been crying a lot lately. Mostly because I can't even imagine a baby here. I have also started my "nesting" phase which makes me super angry sometimes when I have just cleaned something and the next day to find the room dirty. grrrr

Looking forward to? Tuesday. Ringing in the NEW YEAR! 2014 has a lot in store for us, and I can't even wait!!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week 27

How far along? 27.5

Total weight gain? Got on the scale today and I'm still what I was at in the doctors office. So far still not at my pre-prego weight

Maternity clothes? It's a little bit of both. I only have a few pairs of jeans that fit me still. I think I'll stick with the leggings for the rest of my pregnancy.

Stretch marks? None

Sleep? I love sleeping I could sleep all day

Best moment this week? Feeling my baby kick super hard. He also loves my ribs at the moment.

Food cravings? Vegetables with ranch have been sooooo good

Anything making you sick or queasy? I threw up this past week, I think it was because my mouth was in so much pain. I went to the dentist and it turns out that if you throw up a lot during your pregnancy the acid sits on your teeth and causes your fillings to fall out. who knew?!

Labor signs? So far so good

Symptoms? Just the waddling pregnant lady through the store

Belly button in or out? Well this is a funny one. In the morning my belly button is in. At night my belly button is full on out. I guess a few more weeks and I'll have a permanent outtie

Wedding ring on or off? Still on

Happy or Moody most of the time? I think I'm happy but Maybe this question should be answered by the hubs lol

Looking forward to? My next appointment, which may be a week sooner. I might have to go see a cardiologist next week. {{YIKES}}


We celebrated thanksgiving last week so I didn't get a chance to post a 26 week update. But I did want to share what I am thankful for:
1.I have a healthy strong baby boy growing 
2. My husband, he seriously has been the best thing that has happened to me
3. My family. Both sides
4.That my car is almost paid off!!!!!
5.My morning sickness is gone
6. My job at the hospital
7. The space heater I just bought :)
8. Tums!
9.The new friends I've made this year
10. My health

This photo is my 26 weeks! Looks more like chub though

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week 25

How far along? 25.5 weeks!

Total weight gain? I was weighed at my doctors appointment yesterday, and although I'm still not at my original weight, I have gained 8lbs so far this pregnancy.

Maternity clothes? YES. If you can't tell by all the weirdo lines in the shirt, yes that is a maternity shirt people. No maternity pants quite yet.

Stretch marks? none

Sleep? I sleep more than the average person. 12 hours a day

Best moment this week? Hearing my baby's heart beat again. It's always a reassuring feeling when you get to hear that little heart beating

Food cravings? I have been wanting cucumbers a lot this week

Anything making you sick or queasy? So far not this week. I've been pretty lucky

Labor signs? I have been having a lot of pain. The kind of pain that you get when you ride a bike for too long or when you kicked between the legs. I asked my doctor if this was normal, he said yes but most women don't experience this kind of pain until their second or third baby. How did I get so lucky? He told me to buy a maternity support belt, that will lift my belly up since little baby Suprise is sitting so low.

Symptoms? Lots and Lots of kicking. Baby has found my ribs!

Belly button in or out? It's about half and half. I used to pull my belly button out as a kid, so it's weird to start seeing the inside of it again.

Wedding ring on or off? It's still on!

Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy!

Looking forward to? Getting to Sunday. I have to speak in church and that always seems to put so much stress on me.

And since tomorrow is Thursday, let's play throwback Thursday to my skinny self. I can't believe I thought I was fat then....

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week 24

Don't mind how tired I look. This pregnant women sleeps a total of 12 hours a day!

How far along? 24 weeks.

Total weight gain? -7. Although this picture looks other wise

Maternity clothes? I think I might break down and buy some more this week. I can't find ANYTHING to wear any more

Stretch marks? zero

Sleep? All day long and all night long. Seriously I don't have a life outside of work

Best moment this week? I seriously can't think of anything that has happened. I would probably say sleep

Food cravings? 6 cheese bagel from Einstein bagel with plain cream cheese

Anything making you sick or queasy? YES. work has started to get harder and harder. Assisting in surgery has made me so sick. Blood normally doesn't bother me.

Labor signs? none

Symptoms? A big fat belly

Belly button in or out? It's still in there. It doesn't look the same. Steve even pointed out this week how funny it looked. :( wah.

Wedding ring on or off? still on

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!

Looking forward to? Tuesday! I get to get my glucose test out of the way.

Also, Happy Birthday to this studly man. 25 never looked so good.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 22

How far along? 22 this photo 22.6.... it's fine

Total weight gain? still -8.

Maternity clothes? Yes! I have bought a couple shirts at Gap this week. They are way cute, but I'm having a hard time wearing them. I feel like maternity clothes make you feel 10x bigger than you already are :-/

Stretch Marks? none!

Sleep? I feel like I sleep a lot, but not sleeping on my stomach has become a real pain in my hips

Best moment this week? I haven't taken zofran this week. It's been rough but I think the nausea is finally manageable with out medicine.

Food cravings? This week I wanted pizza really bad. I ate one slice and was sick.

Anything making you sick or queasy? the sight of blood has never really bothered me until this week. I have been in several deliveries this past week where I was so hot I felt like I was going to pass out and then puke.

Gender? still a little man

Labor signs? I think I may have had a few braxton hicks just today. My stomach gets super tight. It's not painful but I don't like it

Symptoms? No heart burn this week, knock on wood! Just still sick!

Belly button in or out? It's still in there but it feels so funny. I give it five more weeks

Wedding ring on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy!

Looking forward to? Halloween tomorrow! I LOVE the month of October. sad it's coming to an end.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Anatomy Scan

The anatomy scan. AKA the best, and longest ultra sound you will get your entire pregnancy. My appointment wasn't till later on in the day, that way Steven could still make it to the appointment.

I seriously could not sleep the night before. I'm pretty sure every parent worries that everything will be alright with their baby. I think I was more nervous for this ultrasound than the gender. We made it to the appointment, and they were a little bit behind so we waited about an hour to be seen. I think I was shaking a little, because Steven kept on looking over at me and asking if I was okay. In the mean time they gave me this drink..

I've heard great things about it. Good thing I don't have to drink it for four more weeks. I'll let you know how it goes...

We went back into the ultrasound room, and we began the scan. The first part was about ten minutes long. The doctor went through just to show our baby to us. Which was so fun to see. Baby was asleep the first half of the scan, but the doctor finally got him to wake up, and he was going crazy! He kept on wiggling and arching his back, so we didn't get a very good profile of him. The doctor made us a dvd of the first ten minutes. I love that we can watch our baby whenever we want!

The second half went through every single detail of our little man. He first started out with the heart to make sure there were four chambers, then on to the brain. It was so cool to hear the doctor talk about every little detail of the brain. If this bone isn't fused it means this, and if there is fluid in the brain it means this. We found out that our baby, from what the doctor could tell from the scan has zero birth defects! I was so happy to hear that! He then checked to make sure baby had two hands, ten fingers, two legs, ten toes.. everything was there!

The last half the doctor measured our little guy to make sure he was growing on time. More good news! He is measuring EXACTLY 21 weeks. He measured my stomach next to see if that was still growing on time, and again I was measuring exactly 21 weeks. Steven was in a bit of shock when he heard my stomach was growing on time. He still thinks I'm too small for 5 months pregnant, but I am okay with that.

Here is baby Suprise's hand. Just sayin hi to everyone

Man I'm getting big. WOOF

Playing Catch Up Week 21

Playing a Little bit of catch up this week! Between work, meetings,birthday, and an anniversary, I feel like I haven't had much time to think about being pregnant. So here is a little up date. 

How far along? 21 weeks.. over half way. Can you hear the hallelujah chorus?

Total weight gain? I gained three pounds at my last doctors visit! Which still puts me at -8 pounds, but I'll take it

Maternity clothes? Not yet. I feel like my pants are super loose, but my shirts these days are starting to fit me a little funny. I went to gap and found a few cute tops on sale. Hoping I wont have to wear them for at least a few more weeks.

Stretch marks? Zero

Sleep? sleep for me has been a hit an miss. With my stomach getting bigger I feel like laying on my stomach is next to impossible. I have been trying to sleep with a body pillow, but I miss my old sleeping habits. 

Best moment this week? Steve hadn't felt the baby move yet and so every night I would tell him to put his hand on my stomach, and every time baby wouldn't give him a good kick. Finally one night baby was kicking so hard, I told Steven to lay his head on my stomach. Baby was not shy on giving him a good kick to the head :)

Food cravings? No real cravings this week. But food has sounded good lately. At work one night one of my co-workers was craving taco time (she is pregnant too). It sounded so good to me that I left work and got us some crunchy beef burritos. It was so good, until about 1 in the morning. I got called back to scrub a c-section, and I could tell I was not feeling so good. Finally I thought maybe I just need to eat some yogurt. After I got home that morning, Steven was leaving for work and I kept telling him over and over that I wasn't feeling well. I sat on the side of the curb and threw everything up for the next 10 minutes. Maybe next time darn it.

Gender? Another ultrasound this week confirmed BOY!

Labor Signs? zero

Symptoms? Just my morning sickness that has been bothering me a lot this week!

Belly button in or out? Still in, but it seriously doesn't feel like it will be in for long. 

Wedding ring on or off? Still fits

Happy or moody most of the time? This week HAPPY! I think my ultrasound made my whole month

Looking forward to? Getting 10 days off of work!! I'm excited for some "me" time.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 19

How far along? 19 weeks!!

Total weight gain? -11 pounds

Stretch marks? no but my skin is super itchy! I hope that's not a sign of starting them!!

Sleep? Worked three graveyards this week.. I think that says it all

Best moment this week? Celebrating our third anniversary!!

Food cravings? So far nothing this week has sounded amazing.. the toaster strudel phase has sadly ended

Anything making you sick or queasy? If waking up every day counts haha.

Gender? still a boy!

Labor signs? No, but my back pain has started this week. And it hurts!

Symptoms? heartburn, morning sickness, tired, the typical pregnancy

belly button in or out? still in there, but it definitely doesn't feel the same

Wedding ring on or off? Still on, and as it's starting to get colder outside the looser it gets so hopefully it gets a little hard to wear.

Happy or Moody most of the time? This week moody. sigh

Looking forward to? maybe this week will be the last week I'm sick?

On a different note, Steven bought me this awesome new camera lens for my birthday. Making fall that much more beautiful.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week 18

How many weeks? 18, almost half way done!!

Total weight gain? I weighed myself today and I'm now -12 pounds. I'm hoping to at least gain a few pounds before my next appointment,but we will see what the doctors have to say :-/

Stretch marks? None. scared for the next few weeks though

Sleep? I have slept like a baby most of the week. I love it! Haven't even woken myself up to go to the bathroom

Best moment this week? Buying new clothes for the baby!

Food cravings? I can't get enough of toaster strudels! I love them!

Anything making you sick or queasy? Yes! I have been wanting a sugar cookie for awhile now so I went out and bought some, and let me tell you this baby HATES sugar! It was good while it lasted.

Gender? It's a boy! we can't wait to meet our little man

Labor signs? Nope! wish I could get rid of the round ligament pain though

Symptoms? Still have morning sickness. Does it ever go away?

Belly button in or out? In. It has been hurting a lot lately

Wedding ring on or off? Still on

Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy!

Looking forward to? My next appointment which will be our anatomy scan!

Also it is officially October!! I love this time of year.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The ultrasound

September 20, 2013.
I was having such a hard time sleeping the night before my ultrasound. It was like Christmas only better! I woke up early and took a shower, and tried to pass the time. Around 9:45 Steve came and picked me up, and after almost getting in a wreck (I think he was super nervous too) We finally made it to my appointment.

They took us into the ultrasound room, where my doctor greeted us and it was finally time to see my baby again!

Working in Labor and Delivery has good things and bad things. One of the bad things, is that I see everything that can go wrong in a pregnancy. I know that you can never plan for anything to go how you want, and I was super nervous to even know if there was even a baby, let alone a heart beat.

I looked over at Steven and refused to look unless there was still a baby in there. Finally the doctor said "here is your baby." Probably one of the best moments so far. I couldn't believe it. There was actually a baby in there. It wasn't a gummy bear anymore. It was an actual baby!

My doctor was moving the wand around on my stomach and our sweet baby kept putting it's hands up by it's face. I kept saying to my doctor this is so weird! I was so cool to see my baby move around! There is nothing quite like it.

When it came time to find out the gender of our baby, the baby refused to open it's legs up. I was so sad. I told my doctor, well I guess my husband will just have to pay for a private ultrasound so we could find out later. But since my doctor is so awesome he told me I could come back later on when I have walked around and maybe the baby would turn.

Steven and I tried to kill the time, but it seemed like the longest day of our lives. I was getting really anxious. Since Saturday was the Byu game against utah, we decided to walk to the store and buy some car chalk and decorate the car. It was super hot outside so I decided I better go inside to cool down when I got a phone call from the doctors office. They wanted us to come right then.

We barely made it to the office,because we almost ran out of gas but as soon as we got there they had a room already for us. This time the room had a huge flat screen tv to see our baby on. The doctor put the wand again on my stomach and it's little hands were by it's face again, only this time when he was moving the ultrasound all over my stomach the baby was going crazy! Kicking and swatting, It was so so cool to watch. We knew right then that we were having a baby boy! My husbands face was priceless. He had been wanting a little boy since we got married. We couldn't believe it!

We are so excited for this new adventure in our lives. And we can't wait to welcome our baby to the family.
Here are some pictures of revealing the gender to our families *shout out to my awesome sister-in-law Keeley who made our cupcakes*  and some pictures we took to announce our baby boy!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 16

How far along? 16 weeks!! holy cow time is going by fast!

Total weight gain? -11 pounds. I'm a little worried with how much weight I have lost, but so far the doctor still approves of everything.

Maternity clothes? Not yet! But I did go and buy a belly band, since my jeans are starting to get a little tight

Stretch marks? None. hoping to keep it that way too

Sleep? Since I work graveyards it's really hard for me to stay awake all night and then try to sleep the next night. Hoping to find a happy medium

Best moment this week? Going another 24 hours without a zofran. I hate taking that stuff, but hopefully this morning sickness will go away sooner rather than later.

Food Cravings? YES! I am loving chicken hot and spicy sandwiches from Carl's Jr. it's the only food that ever sounds good all the time.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Pretty much everything when I wake up in the morning sounds gross. Hoping to get my appetite back soon.

Gender? We find out this Friday! I really want a girl so bad but I have a feeling it's a boy. Either way I'll be happy with a healthy baby

Labor signs? I was thinking I might be getting braxton hicks this week, but we will find out for sure this Friday what is going on

Symptoms? Cramping! And tons of it. It's totally painful to the point I can't walk around. I have to sit for a good 15 min before it goes away.

Belly button in or out? Definitely in!

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time? I feel like I've been happy. I have noticed little things are starting to make me tear up. Watching 50 first dates the other night was a killer

Looking forward to? Finding out the gender of our baby, and getting rid of this morning sickness!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 12

This past week while I was at work, I started to get really bad cramps. To the point I was almost in tears. The nurses were all really worried I might be having a miscarriage. They took me into a room where they hooked me up to monitors, and we found my baby's heartbeat. It was such a scary moment but glad everything went okay. The next day I had my 12 week doctors appointment were they told me if it happens again I will need to get an ultrasound right away. But so far everything is going well.  I was taken off of the high risk pregnancy list, and now just on their "watch list" All my labs came back normal. I can't wait till my next doctors appointment when we find out the gender. But till next week, we are hoping for the best!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Week 10

technically I'm almost 11 weeks. But since I'm a few days shy of really being 11 weeks I figured I better get a picture of my ten week belly while I was still ten weeks.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

9 weeks!!

July 23 was amazing!! I finally got to see and know that this baby was alive inside me and even got to hear the heart beat. What an amazing day! Everything went really well with my doctors appointment. They have now put me as a high risk pregnancy because I do have chronic high blood pressure. So we talked about getting induced at 38 weeks (which I'm totally fine with) and a possible c-section.  I'm so excited for this new adventure. I've started a pregnancy journal so sorry for the repeat of information. I decided to record this way to see my belly grow, since I'm totally not convinced that my stomach has popped out yet.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Week #7

Last time I wrote I said "I can't believe I'm not having any pregnancy symptoms"

Talk about shooting myself in the foot with that one. The very next day (July 4) I was so excited, I love Independence day we always have a fun get together with my family. Well this year it was our turn to bring the veggie tray. As I started to make the dip I said to Steven, "This dip smells kinda funny." Two seconds later boom! *Dry heave, dry heave, vomit*

Ever since that day I have NOT been okay. Every day seemed to be getting worse and worse. I would wake up, feel sick, go back to sleep, and repeat. A couple of Fridays ago I woke up at 1 in the afternoon, ran a few errands and by 3pm I was back in bed for the rest of the night.

Finally this week I had enough of all of the sickness and tiredness that I called the doctor. They prescribed me the most miracle of all miracle drugs. ZOFRAN. It's pretty much my best friend at this point. I don't even know if I would ever get pregnant again without this. I finally feel like a normal human being!!! I was beginning to feel like there was no hope in sight. I even googled one night "I hate being pregnant." Good thing i'm not the only whiner out there.

Well friends the count down begins till I get my very first doctors appointment. I will be 8 weeks tomorrow (2months). Which means... only four more days till I get my for sure answer that there is a life inside me!! I can't wait.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Big News!!

So happy it's finally the summertime. I love everything about summer, the heat, the smells, the pool, the fireworks, the carnivals.

Ever been to the hoklia? best place ever to get a snowy!!

June 12, 2013 will always be a day that Steven and I will remember. We decided we would "try" to get pregnant. I figured it would take a while with some complications I had. Sure enough I had this feeling I was pregnant in Puerto Rico. A few weeks later I decided to take a test, and it came out with a very faint line

I know, I know you really have to squint to see it. I thought there was no way I could be pregnant. So I bought another box of tests, and the next day the same thing I got another faint line. 
I still wasn't convinced. I took all the tests in the box with a very faint line. So of coarse I had to buy another box of tests. This time I got the ones that say "Pregnant or Not Pregnant"

And there it is folks. Clear as day. After six tests later I'm still not convinced I'm pregnant. I seriously have zero symptoms! I have occasional cramping which I'm told is just my uterus stretching. But there it is. I don't think I will believe this whole thing is real until I have my first doctors appointment which by the way is July 23. That day can't come soon enough. I just want an ultrasound already!! 
Since I do work in Labor and Delivery I got to wheel out my due date and if everything is correct my due date should be February 28, 2014! As of today I am six weeks pregnant (and still looking for all of those weird pregnancy signs) Until I'm told other wise.. my eggo is preggo!!
yes,this was taken in Puerto Rico,because I had a feeling I was clear back then

Until next time happy fourth!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Puerto Rico

The time has sadly come. Steven decided that it wasn't a good idea to keep working at jetblue, because he just wasn't able to keep focus on school. So naturally we had to take one last trip. Puerto Rico was what we both had decided on.

We took a midnight flight to New York and flew to Puerto Rico from there. As soon as we landed I hated the place. At the airport there were no signs for anything. Eventually we made it to our rental car.. when we got in the car to gps our hotel, our phones didn't work. SERIOUSLY?! I thought Puerto Rico was in the U.S... dumb. We decided to just take the extra charges on our phone bill and put in the address to our hotel. Ya it took us to the ghetto. We had a hooker start banging on the door, Steven looked down to hurry and find the lock door button and it was no where to be found. Luckily the light turned green five minutes later, but I have never seen Steven so scared in my life haha.

We finally made it to our hotel and made it to the beach.

The next day it seriously rained the ENTIRE day. I was ready to go home, but we made the most of our last day there. We ate at a fancy restaurant, Steven ate baby octopus soup, while I stuck with gnocchi.


I think it's safe to say I will NEVER visit Puerto Rico again. I am sad we won't be traveling anymore, but that just means that it's time for a new adventure in our lives.